
Your source for gourmet coffee

Discount Coffee of the Month Club

 Discount Coffee Club

Discount Coffee of the Month Club
Item# C20
Regular price: $16.95
Sale price: $15.26

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Discount Coffee of the Month Club

Travel the world via your coffee cup. Each month we will send you a different pound of gourmet coffee from exotic places like Hawaii, Costa Rica, Celebes, Guatemala, Kenya etc. The first month you pay $15.26 and receive 1 lb. of Costa Rican Tarrazu (a $16.95 value). Each month thereafter we will automatically ship a different coffee and bill you 10% off the regular price. The club is so popular that we have people who have been in it for years. Don't wait, order now to travel the world of coffee. No passport needed. You may cancel your membership at any time. When ordering this item you will need to select to pay with your credit card not Paypal. This is so we are able to invoice future shipments.